Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tiny Tot Tuesday: 10 Things I've Learned From Being "Mommy"

1. I'm a super hero! What? You don't believe me. Spend the day with me and you'll see. Oh, and if you're a mom reading this, go ahead and rock out that cape because you're a super hero too!

2. I love spoiling a tiny person more than I love being spoiled myself. Crazy! I know. Have you seen all the adorable tiny outfits?!

3. The Grinch and I have more in common than I thought! My heart grew three sizes the day I met McKenzie. Actually, I'm pretty sure it grew much bigger than that. 

4. I'm fairly certain that 'Baby Brain' never goes away. Oh well. Never remembering where I left my cell phone, keys, purse, that spoon I was using to stir that pot of whatever it is I was cooking... is a small price to pay for having the most amazing gift I could have ever asked for!

5. I am capable of so much more than I ever thought. Something about keeping a tiny human being alive and well makes anything seem possible and attainable.  

6. I am the "One-Handed Wonder!" Baby in one, and things to get done... Never fear! One-Handed Wonder is here! See! I told you I was a super hero. 

7. Gross, stinky, and yucky are all words that have entirely new parameters for me. Oh, there's poop going up her back. No biggie! I got this... with one hand. See what I did there. :-) Good luck trying to gross me out!

8. My pain tolerance is huge now! You may think I'm referring to giving birth. Oh no, no, no. That only lasted a day. I'm referring to breastfeeding (the first several weeks). There were tears involved and not from McKenzie. It was well worth it though!   

9. Speaking of breastfeeding, providing nourishment for another human being is one of the most gratifying experiences of my life. Even if I do feel like a milk cow many days. I'm definitely a happy milk cow though!  

10. Making a mess with McKenzie is much more rewarding than keeping a perfectly clean home with her in the background. 
If you don't like it, don't look. 
I don't plan on looking back on her childhood and thinking, "I am so happy my floors were always sparkly clean, the dishes were always done, and the laundry was always perfectly folded." Nope!
I want to look back and think of all the tea parties, twirling and dancing, building and knocking over blocks, spending the whole day cuddling, coloring, reading to her, and just watching her grow and amaze me with something new everyday!  

Connect with me on social media and other sites to keep up with me day-to-day!
