Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Our Labor and Delivery Story

If you have read my previous posts, you already know that McKenzie was running a little late. She was on her own schedule and all Lane and I could do was wait.

Her official due date was Sunday, February 24, 2013. A few weeks before that I had started having Braxton Hicks contractions. They were mild, random, and only happened a few at a time. I thought, "If this is what contractions feel like, I've got this!" Hahaha... Wow, was I wrong.

I did have one small false alarm moment one evening a few days before her due date, where I had 5 or 6 contractions in a row within an hour. I looked at Lane and said, "You know, this could be it!" Well, it wasn't.  The contractions completely stopped and we went to bed, another night to sleep all the way through. :-)

Since McKenzie did not arrive on her due date I went in for one last OB appointment on Monday, February 25. I was 1 cm dilated, but not having a baby yet. We decided to schedule an induction for Thursday, February 28 and we went home to wait some more.

Now, on to the fun part of this story. 

On Tuesday, February 26 I woke up around 6 or 7 in the morning with contractions. I couldn't fall back asleep because they just kept happening. They were still fairly mild and pretty random, but enough to keep me up. So, I went downstairs and waited with a cup of coffee to see if this would turn into the real thing.

Around noon they stopped. About 6 hours of random contractions and they just stopped! I went back up to bed to get some more sleep. I know. I said I was on the fun part, and it's coming up.

Once I finally got out of bed later that afternoon, Lane and I went on about our day. Lane went to the store to pick up some things to make for dinner, and I stayed home pretty much being lazy. I was exhausted that last week before she was born.

Lane made some delicious smoked sausage with sour kraut. Yum! We ate dinner around 10 in the evening. We've always been late eaters. After I finished my plate, I settled into our sofa chair to watch a little Netflix and drift off to sleep.

Then, around midnight I felt a contraction! 

It really wasn't all that exciting. It felt exactly like all the other ones I had felt so far, and after what I had gone through that morning I was not at all expecting it to be the real thing. 

We went up to bed, and I started timing the contractions just in case they did do something special. They were all over the place. I would have one that was 1 minute long then another one 10 minutes later that lasted 3 minutes and then 25 minutes would go by before the next one that would only last 30 seconds. They stayed completely random and still didn't really hurt, and even though I was not at all concerned about these "FAKE" contractions sending me to the hospital, they did keep me up.

Then, around 3 AM they changed. They went from being slightly uncomfortable to slightly painful, then to ouch ouch I can't move. They still stayed completely random in length and timing though. So, I didn't wake Lane up, and I did not want to call the hospital until I was sure. 

"Sure" meant contractions that lasted about 60 to 90 seconds and came at 5 minute intervals. Yeah right!

I finally woke Lane up around 6 AM because the contractions were getting more and more painful. They were random and I was still having some contractions up to 15 minutes apart. I did  not care. I told him I wasn't sure if this was it or not, but I wanted to call the hospital anyway. If it ended up being false labor then so be it. I knew I wouldn't be the first or last woman to have that happen, and I knew it was ok if I went to the hospital and they just sent me home again to wait.

I finally called the hospital around 6:30 and spoke to a nurse. She said that she would have the on call physician call me back in a few minutes. When the physician called back, she asked me how long my contractions were lasting, how far apart they were, and how they felt. She then told me I could either come in right then or wait till my OB's office opened at 8 so they could check if I was actually in labor. I opted for the first one.

As soon as I got off the phone, Lane and I scrambled to get ready and get all of our things together to go to the hospital. Well, Lane scrambled while I moved very slowly having to stop with each contraction to sit and breathe. 

We got to the hospital around 7:30 that morning and I was triaged. Pretty much, I was put in a temporary holding room with a gown to put on and a bed to lay in until a nurse determined whether I was in labor or not. The nurse came in about 15 minutes later, checked me out and sure enough I was already 4 cm dilated! I got to upgrade to my own personal labor and delivery suite. Woohoo! We were going to have a baby!

I am wearing this oh so beautiful gown by Le Hospital
while waiting on the nurse.
My labor and delivery pedi and my lovely swollen cankles.
My contractions still weren't regular up to this point. They were as random as ever, but they kept getting more and more painful. So, all of you soon to be mommas out there, just know that the whole "5 minutes apart, 1 minute long contraction" thing doesn't always happen. If I had tried to hold out for that to happen, it probably never would have and Lane might have been delivering our baby at home. So, I am glad I went with my gut, or my uterus to be more precise.

I had let my nurse know that I definitely wanted an epidural. So, when we got into our room, she set up an oh so lovely IV in my left arm to give me fluids. I DO NOT like needles. 

My contractions kept coming randomly and painfully. With each contraction I would turn up on my side and grip the bed rail for dear life. Yeah, it was that bad, or maybe I just have a low pain tolerance. 

Finally at 8:30 the anesthesiologist came into my room to stick a huge needle into my back and make the pain go away. Hmmm... That makes a lot of sense. Actually, the needle wasn't as huge as I always thought it would be, and I would take being poked in the back over my contractions any day. I did end up having to feel the needle twice, because he missed the first time. Ouch :-(

Within 15 minutes I was as happy as I could be. I could't feel any pain below my waist and I was going to meet my baby girl sometime that day! 

Very obviously after my epidural. I am happy and pain free!
After my epidural was started some of our family joined us in the room as we waited. Lane's mom and my parents were so excited to be a part of this day with us. They were in the room with us until a couple hours before delivery. I was so tired I asked them to wait in the waiting room so I could try to take a nap before the big event.

My nurse started a Pitocin drip on me to even out the timing of my contractions and then my Dr broke my water for me. She told us it probably would't be too much longer now. We all guessed we would get to meet her some time that afternoon. 

Mmm. Grape popsicle!
Yep. All I could eat. :-( I was so hungry.
Several hours and a couple of yummy popsicles later, I was 10 cm dilated and it was time to start pushing. It was 3 PM when my nurse started guiding me through each contraction, telling me when to push and for how long.

McKenzie was already in the birth canal and I could feel the pressure every time I had a contraction now. There was still no pain though. Yay for epidural! Lane saw her head crowning and asked me if I wanted to see. I did! So, they wheeled a big mirror in, and I got to see the top of my little girls head full of hair for the first time! 

About 15 minutes before she was officially here, the nurse had to tell me to stop pushing because my doctor wasn't there yet and my contractions were pushing McKenzie out without any help from me. I think she was ready to see the world.

My Dr arrived a few minutes later, just in time to deliver a healthy beautiful baby girl at 3:42 PM. Quote of the day from my Dr, "Wow! She looks really Asian!" Lane and I absolutely loved my OB by the way.

One of the nurses wrote this for us.

Lane got to cut the umbilical cord as we saw McKenzie for the first time!

My Dr handed her to the nurses to get cleaned up and checked out to make sure everything was looking good.

Weighing in at 8 lb 10 oz and measuring 21 inches long she was a bit bigger
than we had expected.
She wasn't too happy about being poked and prodded out in this bright new world. 

Finally, I got to hold this amazing baby girl!

Exhausted but I am so happy I can't even tell.

Lane is one proud daddy!

Staring at my amazing baby girl in absolute awe. 
Lane, McKenzie, and I could not have asked for a smoother labor and delivery experience. My Dr and all the nurses that helped in bringing McKenzie Ellyse into our arms were absolutely awesome. They were all so kind and helpful, and I could not thank them enough for helping to make that day the best day of my life! 

McKenzie opened and forever changed my heart and soul that day and has continued to do so every day since then. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Babies make time fly...

Wow! It feels like a lifetime has passed since my last post. Three months have gone by and I have become a completely different person with a completely new role to play in life. I am now officially a mom and I love it!

I hate that I didn't keep up with the blog since McKenzie's birth, but I will try to sum up the big parts of these past few months.

McKenzie Ellyse was born on Wednesday, February 27, 2013 at 3:42 PM. She weighed 8 lb. 10 oz. (over a pound more than we thought she would be -_-) and was 21 inches long. She was healthy and more beautiful than we ever imagined!

Lane and I were overjoyed to finally meet her! I think I may have been slightly in shock. Lane said I just kept staring at her without making any expressions or saying anything. I just remember being so happy I wanted to burst.

We brought her home a couple of days later on Friday, February 29. She looked so tiny in her car seat and her clothes were practically falling off of her. She was too big for newborn clothes and the next size up was too big for her. It was adorable.

This was officially the start of our new adventure as a family. We were on our own now without all the help  and guidance we received in the hospital. The sleepless nights to follow were ours and ours alone. It was exhausting, but absolutely amazing.

This was her very first time in her crib, and it was the only time until about a week ago. It looked so huge and lonely :-( Even though I knew she wouldn't have cared, she slept in her swing next to my side of the bed. It was just easier for both of us with the middle of the night feedings. And it was an added bonus that the very first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was her face.

Having a baby has definitely taken a lot of adjusting and getting used to. We are still figuring things out and learning something new each day. Sometimes Lane and I just look at each other and say, "We have a baby. That baby girl is ours!" Needless to say, the awesomeness of what we have is still setting in. 

Well, that just about sums everything up...

Not really. I will be back-tracking to better tell the story of McKenzie's first months, but for now I think this is a good start.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Due Date Dinner

Today has been McKenzie's due date and she isn't here yet... As of right now she has about 42 minutes before she is officially late. So, no baby, instead here's what we had for dinner.

Pan seared tilapia, fried yellow squash, pineapple quinoa, roma tomato, asparagus, romaine and carrot salad with asian toasted sesame dressing.

Maybe I should have made it spicy. I've heard that can kick-start labor... right?

My Day in Food

I was inspired to do this post based on a blog I recently started reading, The Style Diet. If you are not familiar with that blog, Anna Saccone does a "What I ate Wednesday" post every week. I also wanted to try one of her more common breakfast choices. It looked so yummy and much healthier than my usual. So, this is my take on it.

Breakfast at 11 am

Maple & brown sugar oatmeal made with whole milk, half a banana, some raisins with a sprinkle of cinnamon, black coffee with the tiniest bit of sugar (I just can't do plain black yet), and 32 oz of water.

This was a very tasty breakfast and is definitely a repeat for me. The 32 oz of water isn't so much there to drink completely in one sitting, even though sometimes I do. It just gets me on track with drinking enough water for the day. I try to finish off at least 3 a day (96 oz; a little less than 3 liters).

Lunch at 3:15 pm

Tilapia fillet with dill, seasoning salt, and fresh ground pepper, asparagus and yellow squash, romaine, cucumber, and beets salad with balsamic vinegar and asiago peppercorn dressing, and a slice of french bread buttered  and toasted, and another 32 oz of water.

Keebler vanilla sugar wafers and a half english toffee cappuccino half hot chocolate from Weigel's while we were out and about. Also, not pictured, my bottle of water.

Appetizer at 10 pm
Pita chips with homemade hummus. The bowl up front is just plain garlic hummus for me. The one in the back has a serrano pepper pureed into the hummus for Lane.

Dinner at 11 pm
Red Barron's supreme pizza with a few additions. The whole pizza has minced garlic, sharp cheddar, and black beans added. My half has sliced roma tomatoes and mushrooms as well.

My slice with a romaine and cucumber salad with balsamic vinegar and ranch dressing and another 32 oz of water.

And to finish off the day; a couple delicious scoops of cookies & cream ice cream.

Overall I had just under 4 liters of water today, which may seem like a lot but I definitely didn't make myself drink that much. I only had water when I was thirsty and I feel like my body benefited from the extra hydration. I think that what I ate and the amount of water I drank made a huge difference in my energy level. 

When I woke up this morning with barely 6 hours of sleep I was sure I would crash by mid-day or at least be dragging. Neither of these happened, and I can only attribute that to keeping my blood sugar level with what I ate today and by staying hydrated. Or, maybe it's one of those crazy pregnancy things and I was just meant to have a burst of energy all day today. Either way I am happy with the food choices I made today, even with the sweet treats I enjoyed.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

39 Weeks and 6 Days!!!

Wow! This past 9 months has flown by. It feels like only yesterday when I found out about this little girl I will be meeting soon. McKenzie Ellyse is due to arrive tomorrow, February 24. I wonder if she's planning on making her debut on our schedule. Probably not. If she is anything like me, she will be "fashionably late." I am so excited, I can hardly wait! 

A little update on how pregnancy is treating me:

Up until this week I had absolutely 0 stretch marks. Then out of nowhere, a few days ago, I look down to find the sneaky lines a little left of my belly button. Ugh... Other than that it has been pretty smooth sailing these past couple of weeks. My feet and ankles do swell a little bit but not too badly.

I have had some braxton hicks contractions; some slightly painful and some painless. I swore I was going into labor the other night when I had about 5 painful ones in a half hour period, but they ended up slowing way down, then coming to a complete stop. So, that was definitely my first false alarm moment. I guess that's why they tell you to track them for at least an hour to see if they last about 60 seconds and come about every 5 minutes before heading to the hospital.

It's hard to know what it is like when this is the first time. I had no idea what a braxton hicks contraction was going to feel like until I actually had one. The most common description I read about that really helped me know I was actually having a contraction was how the uterus feels as it tightens. Your belly hardens, and spots that were once soft become rock hard for however long the contraction lasts. It's sort of like when you flex your arm and your bicep gets harder. It's an interesting feeling to say the least. I have no idea what actual labor is going to feel like, but I guess I will find out soon.

My New Blog!

Hello and welcome to my new blog!

I have started this blog, along with a YouTube channel under the same name "AngeLeBoop", as sort of a creative outlet. There really isn't a set theme or specific direction for what I will be posting; at least not yet. So, I guess we will all see, together, what will come of this blog as time passes.

About me: My name is Angela. I am 24 years old, a wife to the love of my life, Lane, and very soon to be mother of a beautiful baby girl, McKenzie Ellyse. And by soon I mean her due date is tomorrow! 

I am currently on maternity leave, but in the working world I am a retail manager. A few years ago I went to school for culinary arts and business management focusing on pastry making and cake decorating. I love baking and decorating cakes, but I haven't really pursued a career in this field recently. I found I enjoy it more as a hobby than as a full-time endeavor. A few other things I enjoy are photography, painting, reading a good book, writing, and crafting. I am sure some of these things and more will make an appearance on this blog or YouTube, along with my new title and responsibilities as a mom.

Thanks for taking a look at my blog and stay tuned!

Connect with me on social media and other sites to keep up with me day-to-day!
